The global warming is the rise of temperatures that is still continuing that started in the 20th century. The global warming is a normal event in our planet wich makes speicies' evolution possible, because life forms have to adapt at the new climate. But nowadays global warming is going to fast as an effect of all the pollution that humans create. If this happens too fast, we won't have time to adapt at the new climate.
2.What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?
Usually when the sun's radiation enters the earth it's reflected some of it is reflected back by the atmosphere. But now, because of the pollution, the heat that reaches earth is kept there by the greenhouse gases that crowd the atmosphere making the temperatures rise. So, if there is more pollution the temperature will rise higher causing catastrophic events in all live on earth.
3. What signs warn us about global warmming?
- The rise of temperatures in the last decade.
- The melting of the glaciars is a clear evidence that the temperatures are rising
- Some sepicies are in peril of exticntion since they can't adapt to the new climate.
4. Can you quote another term for global warming? Climate change
5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?
Many people belive that the global warming isn't real and that the scientists have no proof. Well, you just need to do a little research and you'll see that "the evidence is vast" and that the global warming is an important problem.
6. What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.
1.We shuold stop using resources that are limited and pollute. For example: oil, wich is our basic source of energy nowadays.

2.We should use clean and renewable energies that can't harm our planet since they're natural and come from it and that are unlimited. Humanity could use the elements like heat, wind and water to create the energies they need. These are the main projects that I think that are the less ambiental- harming projectsthat create most energy, but remember that there are many other renewable energies apart from this ones.

- Sun plant: We could use the light of the sun to warm these plants that you can see here that then transform the heat into electrical energy.

- Wind and sea turbines: This is one of the simplest renewable energies. Wind power turns the turbines around and creates enregy, the sea turbines work the same way but they use the force of the sea currents.
3. The main problem is transport,since cars and planes use oil. There's already many types of electrical cars and tecnology is already working on making them faster and better. But working on electrical planes is harder and will take much time, but we shouldn't worry, Nasa is already working on that. If people want a cleaner planet they should by electrical cars.
4.We shouldn't use our cars that much, we should travel by foot or bike when possible, or if not, use the public transport.
5.Last of all, we should stop making that much litter and we shouldn't throw it anywhere, destroying beautiful places and harming many animals.